Advent and Christmas Worship
Join us in worship as we prepare for the birth of Our Lord
December 1 - First Sunday in Advent - Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m.
December 8 - Second Sunday in Advent - Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m.
We will be celebrating our friendship with our companion diocese in Guatemala during morning liturgy.
December 15 - Third Sunday in Advent - Lessons and Carols at 10 a.m.
This unique liturgy will feature pre-Christmas readings and hymns.
Wednesday, December 18- Blue Christmas Service at 7 p.m.
A gentle prayer service of care and reflection for those experiencing mourning, loss, or emotional pain during this holiday season. The service will feature Taizé chants, Scripture and prayer.
December 22 - Fourth Sunday in Advent - Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m.
Tuesday, December 24 - Christmas Eve
Family-friendly Children's Pageant and Holy Eucharist at 5 p.m.
Choral Eucharist at 9 p.m., preceded by music of the season beginning at 8:30.
Wednesday, December 25 - Christmas Day - Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m.
A quiet service with pre-recorded music. This service will not be live-streamed.
Christmas Parking Notes:
Overflow parking for Christmas Eve services is available across from St. Peter's on Easton Road in the front Ivy Rehab parking lot.
Other Advent and Christmas Activities:
Mary Pat’s Cookies: Accepting Donations from December 1 to 7
We will be collecting homemade cookies and/or packaged candies (such as Hershey’s kisses, peppermints and the like) to distribute to the homebound, older members and those who need a pick me up during this Christmas season. Candy drop off can begin anytime. Please place your donations in the kitchen with a note for MP cookies. Look for a bin marked with the same. Cookies may be dropped off beginning December 1 through Saturday, December 7 at 9 a.m.
Help assemble cookie tins on Saturday, December 7 at 9 a.m. for distribution. Filled tins will be available in the kitchen for distribution on Sunday, December 8.
If you have children who need service hours, they can bake cookies and drop them off at church with their name on them to receive credit. If they would like to pack cookies, they can arrive at 9 a.m. and Helen Collins will give them service hours for that too.
If anyone would like to help with writing and addressing cards beforehand, please let Helen know. She will supply you with cards and the names for distribution.
Any questions, please call or text Helen at 215 913-4947. Email her at helen.collins@arkema.com.
Advent Lectionary Self-guided Bible Study
Larry Sibley will again offer downloadable readings and reflection questions for a self-guided lectionary-based study throughout the Advent season. Links to the materials will available weekly in the newsletter.
Parishioners are welcome to use these resources to create a self-guided study group during Fellowship Hour through Advent, or study with them individually at home.
About Larry Sibley
Parishioner Larry Sibley, author of Worship, was a lecturer in practical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. Sibley taught courses on inductive Bible study methods, spiritual disciplines, worship, and other topics. He is the author of the Fisherman guide Matthew.
Christmas Poinsettias
Poinsettias are given to the glory of God and offered in memory of or in thanksgiving for loved ones each year. After Christmas, the plants are distributed to homebound parishioners. If you would like to make a contribution for poinsettias, please fill out an altar flower form located outside of the Accounting Office or outside the chapel and place it in Charlese Freeman’s mailbox. The suggested donation is $30.
Christmas Card Box
The Christmas Card Exchange box and tray will be across from the St. Philip’s Chapel right outside the sanctuary this year. In this annual tradition, members drop off cards for one another to be picked up at church. By doing this, we are able to save on postage! All donations collected in the box will go toward the Guatemala Education Scholarship Fund. Cards will be available to pick up each week. Even if you choose not to participate in this exchange, please check the tray each week because you may receive cards.