St. Peter’s, we have been issued a climate challenge!

Rev. Barb and Jess Ballenger participating in bike ride with Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light.
The good people on the Climate Action Team of St. Martin-in-the-Fields have challenged our parish to a friendly competition to raise funds to combat climate change through the work of Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light. The task: spend the month of May racking up funding-sponsored miles in the out-of-doors by either biking, walking or hiking.
As you likely know, I started out my Episcopal ministry career at St. Martin’s and was a founding member of the Climate Action Team there. And I was also a founding member and former board president of Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light, a state organization that engages people on faith to respond to climate change as a moral issue. My husband Jess and I have also participated in several of PA IPL’s bike-trip fundraisers, both individually and together on our trusty tandem bike.
We’re going to jump into the effort again this May, and I hope you will join me in forming a team from St. Peter’s that will give St. Martin’s a run for its money! (And raise funds to address climate change through an organization that I know and trust.)
I’ve set a modest goal of raising $500 for PA IPL by the end of May. Here’s how you can get involved:
Join the mile-generating team from St. Peter’s and commit to you own goals of hiking, walking or biking this week. You can invite your friends and family to sponsor you through our team. Email me at to let me know you’d like to join the team, and I’ll add you.
Visit my fundraising page here to make a financial contribution and to see who else has joined the St. Peter's team.
Our team is St. Peter’s Glenside, or look for a familiar name or face from St. Peter’s as our team members grow.
Contact me at if you have questions. I’ll be sending out updates as I get more information.
May the fastest, strongest, and most generous parish cover the most miles and bring in the most money.
And may the environment win!