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Property Committee

St. Peter's is blessed with a beautiful building and grounds that provide a wonderful place for all of the church's services and activities while supporting a number of community partners. It is our heritage, a part of the greater community, and it is our legacy to ensure that it continues as a symbol of our faith and commitment to the future.  The Property Committee works together to maintain the upkeep of our beautiful facilities. They coordinate maintenance and repairs for the buildings and interact with contractors, getting estimates and monitoring the work. Members of the committee sometimes volunteer their own expertise to do jobs, or coordinate projects using volunteers from the congregation to help keep down costs of hiring outside contractors. They engage in planning to identify and evaluate projects to undertake not only yearly, but for years to come. Committee members take an interest in keeping St. Peter’s in good repair so that it is a welcoming place for all who enter.

Garden Volunteers

St. Peter’s Garden Volunteers tend to the various gardens on the church grounds.They do everything from planning and planting to cleaning up in the fall and spring (and everything in between). Their love of gardening and God’s creation are gifts to behold and create beautiful spaces for our members and visitors to enjoy year round.

Memorial Garden


Isaiah 40:8 “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of Our God endures forever.”

The cross standing in the northeast corner of the Memorial Garden was designed based on this verse that Rev. Ruth Kirk picked in the 1990’s.  At that time there was no cross in the Memorial Courtyard.  The rusted crooks represent the dying grass and flowers, while the stainless steel will endure forever.  The implied movement of the stainless-steel curving around and rising as it forms what could be praying hands at the top and ending with the cross helps to remind us that God’s word and His love is forever.  The rusted crooks at the base, which are sometimes surrounded by beautiful flowers,  remind us that all living things die.

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St. Peter’s has set aside a Memorial Courtyard dedicated to the glory of God as consecrated ground for the interment of cremated remains of deceased parishioners and their immediate families. Its location on the south side of the church provides a quiet resting place close to our prayers. If you wish to reserve space for you or your loved ones, please contact our Parish Administrator at the church office.  The Agreement of Interment can be accessed from our Useful Forms page  here.

Using Our Space

St. Peter’s welcomes members of our community to rent spaces in our church or Parish Hall for special events and regularly scheduled classes and group meetings.  More information can be found on our Renting Our Space page here.

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