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Rector’s Note: It’s time to have candid conversations about gender identity 9.12.24

Rev. Barbara Ballenger

People notice the “All Are Welcome in this Place” rainbow banner that hangs on the front of our church building. It is meant to signal that we are a safe and open space for all to worship and find community, especially LGBTQ people.  I’ve had several conversations with people who visited or called to learn more about what that sign really means.

Being visibly welcoming in this way is a value that St. Peter’s has long articulated through efforts like our “Believe Out Loud” status, which identifies us as an LGBTQ-friendly church. You can find us on the map on the Believe out Loud website. We have made sure that weddings, Baptisms and Confirmations honor participants’ identity, pronouns and stories. We’ve even set a little basket of pronoun pins next to our new name tags so people can identify themselves to others more fully.

Still as church, there remains much to talk about and listen to when it comes to the ways that we make ourselves a place that is truly safe and welcoming, especially to children negotiating their own gender and sexual identity. As our youth and teens grow in their self-understanding, how can we make sure the faith community is a safe places for them to be themselves? What makes a faith community welcoming for teens? What do adults need to know to be loving and supporting?

This is why I am so excited about the upcoming series, Candid Conversations on Gender Identity, which St. Peter’s is sponsoring in conjunction with our tenant, Rooted Tree Productions, starting Oct. 20.

St. Peter’s has commissioned Jenny O’Rourke, co-founder of Rooted Tree and an educator of more than 30 years, to design and facilitate this five-part series. Jenny has taught the subject in creative ways at Radnor High School for several years.  

In these series -- one for teens and one for adults -- participants will use discussion, journaling, theater and film to build communities of care for youth and teens as they negotiate gender and sexual identity in a challenging world. If you have met Jenny or seen her in action as she works with Rooted Tree youths, you will know the passion, kindness and spirit she brings to this project.

My colleague, the Rev. Kristin Woods and I have long dreamed of such a program, as we wondered how to support families navigating this challenging time. We both know many parents who are constantly advocating for their children, ensuring we get their pronouns right, giving a heads up that a name has changed. We know teens who have had to explain the difference between gender and sexuality to grandparents and other adults. And we know many adults who want to be supportive but who have a difficult time adjusting to new language and new norms. The church has its own complicated and troubling legacy on the issue, as well. And all of this is happening in an environment where school boards, legislatures and courts are making the act of growing up frightening for our children.

So this is a great time for a candid conversation that is thoughtful, creative, probing and honest.

Both of these series will be on Sundays in the Rooted Tree classroom on the lower level at St. Peter’s, starting Oct. 20. Candid Conversations with Adults, for those aged 18 and older, will be from 2 to 3:30. Candid Conversations with Teens, for youths aged 14 to 18, will meet from 6 p.m. to 7:30.  The Nov. 10 session will be a combined conversation, where both groups will meet together to talk about what they have learned so far.

Rev. Kristin, who is a deacon at St. Anne’s and All Hallows parishes, and myself will be on hand to offer spiritual support as we navigate these conversations; Kristin will support the adult conversations, and I will work with the teens. We will be inviting churches from the deanery, as well as the larger diocese, to participate.

Parents, I encourage you to talk with your high-school aged children about attending these sessions, which will provide space to speak freely and explore the topic honestly.  And I encourage all of our adults to make time to enter the discussion at our adult sessions.  Register here. 

Please let me know if you have questions or would like more information on what the sessions will include. My hope is that this will enrich our own reflection as we strive to truly live out the values that are behind our rainbow banner.



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